Blanket Loan

Blanket Mortgage

A single mortgage that covers three (3) or more properties.  A blanket mortgage is a cross collateralized loan . The properties are held together as collateral on the mortgage but the individual pieces of real estate may be sold without extinguishing the entire mortgage.

Traditional mortgages typically have a “due-on-sale clause”, which stipulates that if property secured by the mortgage is sold, the entire outstanding mortgage debt must be paid in full immediately.

However with our cross collateral loan, a partial release clause allows the sale of portions of the secured property and corresponding partial repayment of the loan. This is done to facilitate purchases and sales of multiple units of property with the convenience of a single mortgage. This is your solution!

  • Covers 3-25 properties under 1 loan
  • DSCR Calculation used instead of income qualifying
  • Interest only allowed
  • Purchase / Rate & Term / Cash Out

Let's get started on your journey toward home ownership.  Give us a call today!

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